Montgomery County
LGBTQIA+ Youth Resources

MoCo Pride Youth
MoCoPride.net | IG: @MoCoPride
MoCo Pride Youth is a county-wide, MCPS affinity group for LGBTQ+ students. They have monthly meetings, an active Discord server, as well as resources for students. Be sure to check out your school's Gender-Sexuality Alliance (GSA) as well!
Drag Story Hour DMV
IG: @DragStoryHourDMV
Drag Story Hour runs free storytelling events that give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.
Rainbow Youth Alliance
Rainbow Youth Alliance is a safe place for rainbow teens to ask questions, find mutual support, and learn information pertinent to their lives. Provides twice monthly, adult-facilitated, peer-to-peer support group meetings for high school youth ages 13-18.
MoCo ReConnect
11319 Elkin St, Silver Spring, MD 20902
The MoCo ReConnect drop-in center works to reconnect youth and young adults to educational, workforce and community-based services. Recognizing that Black, Latinx, and LGBTQIA+ young people are disproportionately impacted by systems that lead to disconnection from school and/or homelessness, MoCo ReConnect ensures that providers offer culturally relevant programming and LGBTQIA service navigators to create a safe and welcoming space for all.
Trevor Project
1.800.488.7386 | text "START" to 678.678
24/7 crisis hotline for LGBTQ+ and questioning youth and young adults

Montgomery County is committed to fostering a safe, affirming, and inclusive environment for our diverse LGBTQ+ communities. Our LGBTQ+ Bill of Rights provides official protection against discrimination for LGBTQ+ residents based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and HIV status.
In addition to safeguarding against discrimination based on race, gender, color, religious creed, genetic status, age, and disability, Montgomery County extends these protections to LGBTQ+ residents. If you believe you have experienced discrimination in areas such as employment, real estate, housing, or public accommodations due to any of these reasons, you can initiate a complaint by either calling 311 or visiting Montgomery County Office of Human Rights. Please locate and complete the Discrimination Compliance Intake Form, then return it to:
Intakes and Inquiries
Montgomery County Office of Human Rights: 21 Maryland Ave. Suite 330. Rockville, MD 20850
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) addresses complaints of discrimination, harassment, or intimidation directed at a student based on their actual or perceived gender identity or expression in line with all other complaints. To report incidents of bullying, harassment, or intimidation that occurred during the current school year, whether on school property, at school-sponsored activities, on school buses, during travel to and from school, or via personal mobile devices on or off school property, please visit MCPS LGBTQ+ Resources and complete the online form located under the "Information for Students" section.