Phillip Alexander Downie (He/Him/All)

Chief Executive Officer


Executive Director, Live In Your Truth

Chair, Montgomery County Pride In The Plaza

Co-Chair, Coalition for Inclusive Schools & Communities.

Makeda Richardson (She/Her)


Board of Directors

Lee Blinder Profile Picture

Lee Blinder (They/Them)

Executive Director, Trans Maryland

Co-Chair, Coalition For Inclusive Schools & Communities

Rev Ali K.C. Bell (He/They/Ali)

Co-Chair, Coalition For Inclusive Schools & Communities

Adrian Hinderline (He/They)

Co-Chair, Coalition For Inclusive Schools & Communities

Beth DiGregorio (They/Them)

Executive Director, Drag Story Hour DMV

Board Member

Ezra Towne (They/Them)

President, Maryland Trans Unity

Board Member Emeritus

Janine Raucher (She/Her)

Chairperson, MoCo Pride Prom

CoCo Della Note (She/Her)

Board Member

Greer Hamilton (They/Them)

Board Member

Lamonte Valentine (He/Him)

Board Member

A Message from Our CEO: We Are Here for You!

Dear Community Members,

My name is Phillip Alexander Downie (he/him). I am happy to serve you as the Chief Executive Officer of the MoCo Pride Center and Montgomery County Pride Family. I want to share a message from the heart.

The Montgomery County Pride Family is here for you. We are dedicated to uplifting our most underserved, disenfranchised, and marginalized community members. Our mission is to serve all LGBTQIA+ and intersectional underserved communities with love, support, and unwavering dedication.

You are loved. You belong. And in everything you do, always live in your truth!

Together, we will create a more inclusive, supportive, and joyous community.

With love and solidarity,

Phillip Alexander Downie (he/him)
Chief Executive Officer
Montgomery County Pride Family: MoCo Pride Center, Inc.


EMAIL ME: pad@mocopridecenter.org