When and where is Pride in the Plaza 2025?
Pride in the Plaza 2025 will take place on Sunday, June 29 2025, 12-8pm in Veterans Plaza in Downtown Silver Spring. Vendor tabling will go from 12pm-5pm.
Do I need to get tickets to attend Pride in the Plaza 2025?
We encourage you to click here to get tickets, but they’re not required. The free event is open to everyone, and you can come and go as you please from the event during our open hours: 12-8pm. Reserving your tickets will help us with planning and keep you informed about important updates including safety protocols, weather concerns and parking/traffic info.
Where can I find Pride in the Plaza 2025 online?
Go to PrideInThePlaza.com to find everything you need there.
How can I sponsor Pride in the Plaza 2025?
Thanks for asking! Click here to see sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorship goes directly through Live In Your Truth Programs to support Pride in the Plaza operational costs and year round related programing in Montgomery County.
For custom sponsor opportunities, please email PhillipDownie@MocoPrideCenter.org.
How are organizers planning to keep community members, vendors and performers safe at Pride in the Plaza 2025?
Safety is the highest priority for Pride in the Plaza organizers, and we recognize that we’re in an environment of heightened risk of threats and counterprotest. We are working on a multi faceted safety plan for Pride in the Plaza. This plan will involve collaborating directly with the Montgomery County Police Department and community safety response teams. All volunteers will attend a safety training, which vendors will also be invited to attend. We will be creating a written plan that will be presented in advance of the event. In addition to security we will also be providing first aid support.
How do I secure a vendor/info booth at Pride in the Plaza 2025?
Click here to apply for a table at Pride in the Plaza 2025. Because we have limited space, priority goes to LGBTQIA+ led and owned businesses and organizations, as well as local organizations that directly service the LGBTQIA+ community. Rates run from $125-$500, depending on your type of organization, table space, and amenities. If your application is approved, you will get your own 6’ table underneath a shared 10’ x 20’ tent. Tabling runs from 12-5pm on Sunday, June 29th at Veterans Plaza in downtown Silver Spring.
When you are approved for a table, you’ll get regular communication from us about load-in, parking, safety, accommodations, volunteer support and other event preparations.
My organization cannot afford the tabling fees.
We have a limited number of free or reduced fee spaces available for approved organizations. Please fill out the same application, and briefly answer the relevant questions. If you need support or accommodations, can’t budget for tabling fees, need a payment plan or have any tabling questions/concerns whatsoever, email Jasmine@LiveInYourTruth.org. We’ll do everything in our power to make sure this event centers LGBTQ+ orgs, artists and vendors.
I have a branded tent. Can I use that instead?
There are a limited number of spaces available for 10x10 tents. If you would like to bring your own tent, please indicate that on the tabling application.
I want to table from 12pm all the way until the festival closes at 8pm
Great! Most vendors will begin load out at 5pm when the Mini-Ball begins based on feedback from previous years, but there are a number of spaces available until 8pm. Please indicate on your application if you would like to table the whole time.
How do I request a spot to perform on the community stage?
Request a SPOT on our community stage lineup, featuring diverse LGBTQIA+, family friendly performances throughout the 5th annual Pride In The Plaza Festival by filling out this form.
How do I apply for funds to Create A Space at Pride in the Plaza?
Apply to host and create a collaborative experience, community art project, kids activity, or wellness session at the 4th Annual Pride In The Plaza Festival by clicking here.
How can I sign up to volunteer for Pride in the Plaza 2025?
We are not opening volunteer sign ups until May 1st.
When sign ups open, you can fill out the online form on our website. If you are interested in volunteering to help in the planning process of PITP, please email Brook@LiveInYourTruth.org.
How can I help get the word out about Pride in the Plaza 2025?
We will be following up with graphics, sample captions, and more. If you know of any local businesses who may want Montgomery County Pride decals, please let us know.
What’s this about a t-shirt design contest?
We will be opening a t-shirt design content for this year’s Pride in the Plaza t-shirt design. Click here for more information or to upload your t-shirt deisgn.
What else is going on to honor Pride Month in Montgomery County?
Do you know of any other Pride Events happening in Montgomery County this June? Let us know so we can share!
I have more questions. Who can I ask?
Sponsorship and performer questions: PhillipDownie@MocoPrideCenter.org
General inquiries: Love@LiveInYourTruth.orgVendor questions: Brook@LiveInYourTruth.org
I have suggestions for the Montgomery County Pride website
You can submit suggestions for the Montgomery County Pride website here.